本学開講の授業科目「宗教学」「哲学」の教育・研究に関する活動の一環として、インド・ナーランダー大学で開催された第三回アジア哲学会議(主催:インド政府人的資源開発省 インド・哲学研究会議)において、「アジア宗教における包括的寛容:インドと日本のマンダラ宇宙論の視点から」と題するプレゼンテーション(英語・招聘)を行いました(3月7日)。
文責:観光学部・教授 佐久間 留理子 (宗教学・哲学)
As part of the education and research activities relating to the classes of religious studies and philosophy, which have opened at the Osaka University of Tourism, Prof. Ruriko Sakuma presented a lecture titled “Inclusive Tolerance in Asian Religion: From the Viewpoint of Mandala Cosmology in India and Japan.” The lecture, given in English, was presented on March 7 at the Asian Philosophy Conference (3rd session), organized by Indian Council of Philosophical Research (the Government of India, Ministry of Human Resource Development).
The common theme of the conference was a “Paradigms of Peace and Prosperity.” About three hundred researchers, from India, Iran, Israel, Thailand, Malaysia, China, and South Korea, participated in this conference and conducted academic interchanges.
Picture 1 depicts a scene from a performance by an Indian military band on the opening day of the conference. Picture 2 depicts a part of the ruins of the ancient Nalanda University/ Nalanda Monastery (a World Heritage Site), which the Chinese priest Xuanzang had visited for his studies during the period of the Tang dynasty. This heritage site is situated at about thirty minutes by foot from the modern Nalanda University.
Disclaimer: Faculty of Tourism Professor RURIKO SAKUMA(Religion and Philosophy)

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