Osaka University of Tourism is one of the official partner educational institutions of the UN Academic Impact (UNAI) program.
The United Nations Academic Impact, also known by its acronym UNAI, is a United Nations initiative to align institutions of higher education, scholarship, and research with the United Nations and with each other.
The goals and activities of the program are to:
Encourage collaboration among institutions of higher education worldwide, as well as between educational institutions and the United Nations.
To provide a shared framework for institutions to work together to achieve the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), as well as the communications and public service activities of UN organizations.
Use UNAI as a focal point for input and advice on UN mandates and activities.
Promote the direct participation of educational institutions to discuss details of programs, projects, and initiatives related to UN-mandated tasks and activities.
Osaka University of Tourism has shared many statements and reports on the UNAI platform related to the UN Tourism Agency Charter and our unique tourism education philosophy. Click here to check out the articles.
(Note: The view options for contents on the website are in Japanese and English)